Keywords refer to terms that capture the essence of a website. These keywords can consist of a word or phrase and they are created by analysing the type of search phrases that are associated with the products or services that are on offer from your business.
A keyword represents a word with special significance; however it is figuring out what the best keywords are for your website that will take the most time. Choosing keywords that are most appropriate to your website is not as simple as coming up with a bunch of words that people might search for; it is about finding words which best refer to your business and the products/services that are on offer from your website. It is about what people will search for in order for your website to appear at the top of the search engine results. So if your website is based on special occasions then some of your keywords might be weddings, parties and birthdays. With these keywords in mind you then have to think about what people will search for based on these words and then you should ensure that your keywords are placed throughout your website so that when someone searches these keywords the search engines will find these keywords on your website and list your site in the search results.
To make sure that your website is targeting the correct keywords for your business and the products/services associated with your business you need to conduct some level of keyword research. This keyword research is the building block for search engine optimisation. This is because these keywords or key phrases are used as a way of identifying your website to the search engines. Finding keywords and phrases which are relevant to your website and implementing them in your pages and links will help a search engine identify your webpage when a search is conducted for that particular keyword or phrase.
In our society today there are many tools available, and by tools I mean websites, which exist to find keywords that are appropriate to your website and business. It should however be noted that keyword optimisation isn't just a one off job; you have to continually analyse and change your site to ensure that it is optimised to the best it can be for your keywords.
Getting to the top of search engines can be a daunting task but with the right search engine optimisation, which includes keyword research it can be done with ease. Keyword research is the process of selecting the most searched for keywords that are linked to your website. If you have spent months ensuring that your website is exactly how you want it, it will have all been for nothing if you don't target your keywords. Therefore the biggest step to getting your website off the ground is by identifying your target audience and researching what keyword phrases people may be searching for to find your website.
One last point when it comes to targeting your keywords is that you should include all variations of your keywords due to the fact that people will search for you site using a variety of keywords so to take this into account you should target your keyword as well as misspelled, capitalised and plural versions of your keywords or phrases. Also always include longer or shorter forms of your keyword such as explain and explanation. By doing this you will make sure that all forms of your keyword are covered.